The district just sent us an FAQ about how the S-Path will operate and be maintained. I’ve pasted the text of the FAQ below, but you may prefer to download and read the original PDF.
Author: Lowell PTA
Update on Lowell after-school enrichment classes
Update: We now have a whole page dedicated to describing Enrichment and Child Care options.
Watch for a Fall 2017 Enrichment Catalog in your child’s take-home folder. These after-school classes take place at Lowell but are provided by Miller Community Center and Seattle Parks & Rec.
We’ve been told that two pieces of information are missing from the catalog:
Continue reading “Update on Lowell after-school enrichment classes”
Class lists and the first day
A post went up this weekend on the official school site describing more details about class lists and dropoff/pickup logistics for the first day. Class lists will be posted outside the office by 1pm Tuesday.
Don’t forget: Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come meet other parents and hear from Dr. Stump over coffee on the first day. Come to the library after the start of school at 8:55am.
“Who you gonna call?”
Many thanks to everyone who came out for the classroom rug cleaning this week! And to the Safeway on 15th for donating the Rug Doctor machines and supplies.
The work went quicker than we thought (perhaps because it was fueled by doughnuts), and we even got to gear up with this sweet Ghostbusters-style vacuum. The number of enthusiastic thank-yous we heard from teachers easily outnumbered the rugs that we cleaned.
Thank you, Union Church and Kakao Chocolate and Coffee, for your amazing library fund-raiser/book drive! Thanks to you and everyone you inspired, the event raised $2,700—well over our target goal of $2,000. We will be able to buy all the books on our library list and have money in reserve for future projects dedicated to the library.
A big, big THANK YOU to all of those who came out and either donated, gave their time to volunteer, or helped to set up the event!
News on classroom assignments, supply lists, and staff updates
A bunch of helpful parent information was recently posted on the official school web site. Quick takeaways:
- student classroom assignments will be posted in the building on Tuesday, September 5, outside the office
- supply lists have been posted as they’re finalized, all but 1st grade is up there so far
- fidget spinners are on the banned list, i.e., “not permitted in the classroom”! 🙂
Family “Back to School” Picnic, this Wednesday, 8/30, 5:30-7pm
Don’t miss the big Family “Back To School” Picnic! It’s at Lowell (1058 E Mercer), on Wednesday, Aug 30, from 5:30 to 7:00, with free food, drinks, and games. It’s a great time for children, parents, staff, and teachers to hang out and enjoy the last of summer. (Note the earlier start time! We’re kicking things off a little bit early so more teachers can make it.)
Looking good, Lowell!
A big thank-you to everyone who helped with the PTA playfield cleanup today—and a huge shout-out to all the hard-working volunteers from Volunteer Park Church, Union Church Seattle, and Calvary the Hill, who poured much love and effort into some much-needed painting. Everyone in our Lowell family is grateful for the help, and we hope you can stay involved all year long!