S-Path FAQ

The district just sent us an FAQ about how the S-Path will operate and be maintained. I’ve pasted the text of the FAQ below, but you may prefer to download and read the original PDF.


Re-opening of the Roy Street Right of Way and Lowell Elementary School Frequently Asked Questions

The Roy Street Right of Way is city-owned property that bisects the Lowell Elementary School Property between the school and the playground. Due to public health and safety concerns, the city temporarily closed the right of way during the 2016-17 school year. This right of way is scheduled to re-open in the 2017-18 school year with added access restrictions and gates to ensure student safety and maximize community passage.

When will the re-opening begin and what are the times for the gates to be closed?

  • Beginning Tuesday, September 5th in the 2017-18 school year, the path will be closed from 8:25-3:55 on school days. This information will be posted on the right of way fences.
  • The right of way will be open on holidays and weekends as these are not school days. Who is responsible for opening and closing the gates?The building custodian is responsible for this work.

    Will the gate be automated in the future?

    The Seattle Department of Transportation is still exploring this option.

    Whom do we call if there is an issue with the gate closing/opening?

    During the school day, please notify the school office at 252-3020. The main office will notify the custodian. If this does not immediately resolve the issue, please contact the Facilities Operations Center at 252-0550.

    Will students have access to the right of way during school time?


    Who will maintain the landscape so it doesn’t get overgrown?

    The school district gardeners will maintain the landscape adjacent to the right of way.

    What do we do if we start to see individuals or families who are homeless start to live on property?

    Please report to the Seattle Schools Security Office at 252-0707. This number is monitored 24/7.
    Additionally, please report this situation by using the Find-It Fix-It App or by calling 311 to report it to the City..

    Who will do a daily, morning check of the property to ensure that it is clear of people and trash etc..?

    The building custodian will provide morning inspection when the gate is closed.

    What should we do if we see needles or other dangerous objects on the right of way?

    Do not pick the objects up. Immediately call the Seattle Schools Security Office at 252-0707. We will respond by documenting the incident and removing the hazard.

September 6, 2017 Operations