Update on Lowell after-school enrichment classes

Update: We now have a whole page dedicated to describing Enrichment and Child Care options.

Watch for a Fall 2017 Enrichment Catalog in your child’s take-home folder. These after-school classes take place at Lowell but are provided by Miller Community Center and Seattle Parks & Rec.

We’ve been told that two pieces of information are missing from the catalog:

  1. There is an additional session to cover the extra time on Early Release Wednesdays. The three Wednesday sessions are 2:20–3:20, 3:30–4:30, and 4:35–5:45. (On all days, there is supervised snack and social time before and between sessions.)
  2. If you’re interested in a scholarship for your child for these classes (or any Seattle Parks and Rec program), check out the Scholarship Fair happening at Miller Community Center, September 13th, 3 to 6pm, with free food and games (there’s also a free barbecue happening at that time: ).

Registration is already open. If you’re interested, fill out the form in the catalog and return it to Miller Community Center or sign up online by going to seattle.gov/parks and clicking on SPARC. (Although you need to set up a SPARC account if you don’t already have one, which can take up to a week, although they “do their best to set up accounts for registration within 48 hours”).

Questions? Contact Tiffany Flye, Program Administrator, at 206-849-9181 or tiffany.flye@seattle.gov.