Heritage Night tonight, 5–7pm!

The cafeteria is newly festooned with flags, and teachers and students have put a lot of work into tonight’s cultural celebration.

Everyone is welcome, hope to see you there! Tours start at 5pm, potluck dinner and pizza 5:30 to 6:30, performances at 6:30pm.

Dragon Tales: Heritage Night this Thursday, 5–7pm

[This post is a copy of the Dragon Tales newsletter sent 3/27. Sign up on this page to receive Dragon Tales in email.]

Happy spring, everyone!

A big thanks to all the families who came out to Morfire for our Dine-Out event earlier this month. We raised nearly $1,000 for Lowell Elementary. (And the kids loved the cotton candy machine!)

As always, for the latest updates, follow us on Facebook and at www.lowellelementary.org. If you ever have school-related news or events to share, email lowellparents@gmail.com.

Heritage Night this Thursday at Lowell, 5–7pm

Teachers and students have been working hard to put together this event for families. Please join us! In addition to the potluck dinner (feel free to bring a favorite dish to share), we’ll also have pizza for the kids. Here’s the schedule:

5 – 5:30 Tour
5:30 Drum circle to call dinner
5:30 – 6:30 Potluck dinner
6:30 – 7 Performances in the cafeteria by Lowell Students and the Gansago Drumming Ensemble

5th Grade Promotion Party

The 5th Grade Promotion Party is looking for parent coordinators! Ms. Laura posted this message in the Lowell Parents group on Facebook, just passing it along in case you missed it:

“This is a friendly ask from the 5th grade team at Lowell regarding 5th grade promotion. In the past, parent volunteers have planned a picnic lunch at volunteer park for the 5th grade class, and helped with graduation set-up, food and decorations. I know it’s just March, but I wanted to put it out there for interested families to start thinking about. Promotion to middle school is a big deal and deserves to be celebrated! We cannot make this day special without the help of families. Let me know if you are interested/ able to help!”

You can email Ms. Laura at lmschulz@seattleschools.org.

Continue reading “Dragon Tales: Heritage Night this Thursday, 5–7pm”

Dragon Tales: Dine Out at Morfire (March 1–3, this week!), interim principal

[This post is a copy of the Dragon Tales newsletter sent 2/25. Sign up on this page to receive Dragon Tales in email.]

Welcome back after Mid-Winter Break!

Hope your family has enjoyed the break! And once again, thanks to all the families that came to the Valentine’s Dance earlier this month. If you took a photo in the photo booth, watch for a print sometime after break. (Thanks to Chris Sondreal, Theo’s dad, for donating the printing and all-pro booth skills.)

As always, for the latest updates, follow us on Facebook and at www.lowellelementary.org. If you ever have school-related news or events to share, email lowellparents@gmail.com.

THREE DAYS! THIS WEEK! Dine-Out to support Lowell at Morfire, March 1–3

Capitol Hill’s own Thai hot pot restaurant, Morfire, will be donating 20% of all proceeds from Thursday, March 1 to Saturday, March 3.

WHAT?! That’s amazing, and we’re so thankful to Morfire. No fliers or reservations necessary, just come with the family, enjoy some delicious Thai hot pot or small plates, and support Lowell Elementary! You can see their whole menu here.

Check out the event on Facebook so you’ll get a reminder—and, even more importantly, so you can easily share with friends. The more people go to Morfire those days, the more money Lowell can raise.

New interim principal

All families received a notice earlier this month about Dr. Stump taking a leave of absence until further notice. The PTA board has been involved with and following these developments very closely. If you have questions about this change or want to share thoughts or information about your child’s experiences at Lowell this year, come find a PTA board member at pickup/dropoff or email lowellparents@gmail.com.

We’ll have an experienced interim principal starting tomorrow, Jo Lute-Ervin. She’s the recently retired principal of Kimball Elementary School, and she has since subbed for and with principals at several elementary schools around the district.

Continue reading “Dragon Tales: Dine Out at Morfire (March 1–3, this week!), interim principal”

Spring After-School Enrichment Classes—Register March 6!

Update 3/6/17: 

  • STEM Powered Girls – No gender restrictions (this needs to be cleared)
  • Anyone Can be An Artist (1st Session/178203) age restriction changed from K-3 to K-5
  • Launch It! (2nd Session/178222) age restriction changed from K-3 to K-5


Does your student love soccer, art, chess, or martial arts? Miller Community Center has a busy after-school enrichment program that’s available to all Lowell students—with classes *at* Lowell.

Spring session is 4/16 to 6/15. You can register through the Seattle Parks and Rec website (https://class.seattle.gov/…/Activit…/ActivitiesAdvSearch.asp) or call Miller Community Center at (206) 684-4753.

For details, see the full schedule below. Classes have a minimum enrollment of 5. Prices adjusted for 8- and 9-week classes. (Miller also has a great selection of summer camps—registration opened on February 6!)

Remember: scholarships are available for all Miller Community Center camps and classes. For more information, email Eric at eric.luu@seattle.gov.

*Age restrictions may be lifted

Free “Family Talk Time” and Computer Literacy classes

We received an exciting invitation for parents and guardians of Lowell students who want to attend classes designed to help you communicate with teachers and find your way around the district.

See the flier below, and here’s an introductory email from the kind folks at Seattle U with more details:

I’d like to share an opportunity for Lowell families through Seattle University’s Youth Initiative. At Seattle University’s Center for Community Engagement, our Family Engagement team offers free English (Family Talk Time) and computer literacy classes to parents and guardians at Bailey Gatzert. We would like to extend the offer for these free classes to the parents and guardians at your school. These classes hosted at Bailey Gatzert are drop-in classes, so no pre-registration is required.

Family Talk Time is offered Monday and Wednesday mornings. Our English learners have various proficiencies, and we adapt our classes to suit the needs of each individual. Much of our content is based around the school environment; some lessons include parent-teacher conferences, talking to your students’ teachers about performance and behavior, accessing the Source, and the various holidays students are celebrating at the school and how families choose to celebrate holidays at home. We try to make the class as accessible as possible for our families, so we include free child activities for younger children who aren’t in school yet.

Our Computer Literacy class is offered Tuesday mornings. As with the English class, the curriculum is adaptable based on individual student needs. We also offer free child activities for participants in this class. With Computer Literacy, participants not only learn more about the school webpages and communicating with teachers, we also work on developing resumes and job-searching skills, and navigating the wider Seattle community. While this class is developed with English learners in mind, we have gladly helped native English speakers one-on-one to work specifically on resumes and job searches.

Our greatest goal is creating a strong community for families.



Thanks to everyone who came to the Valentine’s Dance!

There was much snacking, face-painting, and balloon-assisted revelry! If you have an idea for another fun community event (movies? games? a cultural event?), email lowellparents@gmail.com and help get something started.

Big thanks to everyone who helped organize, especially Chris Sondreal (Theo’s dad) who masterminded the photo booth. Chris says that any kids who took a photo there should get a print after the break next week, via their teacher’s mailbox.

Miller summer camp registration is open!

Here’s more info from our friends at Miller below. It looks like the brochure hasn’t been posted on Miller’s site yet, but check out the screencap of the schedule, the camps should be up in the SPARC registration system.

Hello Miller Community Center families!

We hope that everyone is off to a great start of the new year. We are writing you because, believe it or not, 2018 Summer Camp registration begins on February 6th at noon. We are offering 30 BRAND NEW Activity Camps at Miller Community Center in addition to our School Age Care Summer Camp. There is a wide variety of activity camps including Art, Cooking, Carpentry, Parkour, STEM, and more! A brochure is attached with the schedule and more information. At the time of registration, a $15 nonrefundable deposit is due for each camp registration.

Summer Camp scholarships are available!
The new 2018-19 scholarship application is available and I’ve attached it to this email. [Email lowellparents@gmail.com and we can forward this to you.] Please submit the application in person and not via email as we don’t want sensitive information transmitted over email. If you submitted a 2017-18 scholarship application it’s only valid through June of 2018. If you are interested in using scholarship on Summer Camps, you must complete this new form. Keep in mind scholarship funds are limited so submitting the application early is very important. It does take a couple weeks to process. The new application looks a bit different than previous years so don’t hesitate to email or call if you have any questions.

Miller also has many new programs including Jewelry Making, Yoga, Recycled Art, Guitar Lessons, and more! We hope to see you and your family at Miller soon!

Continue reading “Miller summer camp registration is open!”

School Funding: Take Action Monday, 1/29!

Did you know Washington State ranks 35th in the nation in funding per student? We can change that! Our new PTA Legislative Chair, Ali McKay, has sent along the following information and guidelines for parents interested in taking action this week on the state’s failure to fund public education in Washington state. Scroll down for a helpful call script and email template. Thanks, Ali!

Continue reading “School Funding: Take Action Monday, 1/29!”

Dragon Tales: General Meeting 1/23, Valentine’s Dance 2/10

[This post is a copy of the Dragon Tales newsletter sent 1/15. Sign up on this page to receive Dragon Tales in email.]

Welcome to 2018!

We’re excited to share a little news about upcoming events. For the latest updates, follow the PTA on Facebook and at www.lowellelementary.org. If you ever have school-related news or events to share, email lowellparents@gmail.com.

A hearty, heartfelt thank-you to all our donors!

A big shout-out to all the community members who donated money to Lowell this fall. The PTA received many donations, from both individuals and local businesses, all of which will make a big difference for our kids. Thank you for supporting the Lowell community!

If you’d like to help writing thank-you cards to donors, please reply to this email. (We’re hoping to meet up and work on them somewhere fun and kid-friendly, like Optimism Brewing.)

PTA General Meeting, Tuesday, January 23, 6 to 8pm

Please join us for mid-year reports on what’s happening at Lowell. RSVP here so we know how much pizza and childcare to plan for!

PTA members (and anyone who signs up at the meeting) will receive one of these cool window decals pictured above, designed by former Stranger senior designer (and Friend of Lowell!) Mary Traverse.

Everyone is welcome. You do not have to be a member to attend. Food provided at 6pm, meeting starts at 6:30pm in the Lowell library. Free childcare available.

Valentine’s Day Dance, Saturday, February 10, 5 to 7pm

Show us your moves! All families are welcome to come to Lowell for the annual Valentine’s Day Dance. We’ll have delicious food and lots of activities plus a DJ and more.

We could still use more help with this fun event, if you want to get involved please email Giavonni Brooks, our PTA Co-President, at giavonni.brooks@gmail.com.

National African American Parent Involvement Day, Feb. 12

A small group of teachers is coordinating Lowell’s activities for this national one-day event, giving African American parents, families, community members, professors, and professionals a chance to visit Lowell.

We are looking for parents who can help coordinate or participate in this effort. If you’re interested or know anyone in the community who might want to help, please email Ms. Laura at lmschulz@seattleschools.org.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Cookies with Colleen, Wed 1/17, 8 to 8:25am in the library
  • PTA General Meeting, Tue 1/23, 6 to 8pm, at Lowell
  • Day between semesters (no school), 1/31
  • Valentine’s Day Dance, Sat, 2/10, 5 to 7pm, at Lowell
  • Mid winter break (no school), 2/19–23

Sign up soon for after-school programs! Scholarships available

Eric Luu helps coordinate enrichment programs provided by Miller Community Center at Lowell, and he just emailed the latest numbers for Winter Quarter after-school programs. He says that scholarships are still available, but that many classes don’t have the minimum yet (5 students) and might be canceled.

See his email below for the list of classes and more information on how to sign up:

Dear Lowell staff and families,

Thank you for supporting our growing program at Lowell Elementary. Fall quarter provided us with valuable insight towards what we should be focusing on to improve the program. Feel free to email me with ideas or feedback. All comments are greatly appreciated and will contribute to sculpting a valuable program for our community.

The first subject I want to enlighten everyone about is the availability of our scholarships. Through the Miller Community Center, qualifying families may receive up to 90% financial aid on all Seattle Parks and Rec programing. I’ve attached the scholarship form to this email. [note: or find links to the form, including translated versions, here]

To Apply:

  • Print out the ScholarshipForm (in grayscale) or come pick one up from Miller Community Center at 330 19th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112
    • Forms will also be given to Lowell Elementary for easy access [note: or find links to the form, including translated versions, here]
  • Fill out form. Return to the form directly to Miller Community Center with an attached 1040 Income Tax Form (good until June 22, 2018). Incomplete forms without all necessary paperwork will not be accepted and will delay the process.
  • Miller Community Center will notify all applicants once we receive confirmation for the scholarship office.

If you are planning on using scholarship funds for Winter Enrichment, please turn the form and your 1040 Income Tax Form in ASAP. Miller Community Center will be closed on January 1st.

Scholarship forms may take up to 2-3 weeks to process. If you are currently on our scholarship programs, please note that funds will be replenished at the beginning the 2018. These funds may be used by anyone who qualifies for our scholarships and is on a first come first serve basis.

It’s been roughly 3 weeks since registrations have opened. All our classes are currently open for registration with a few classes meeting the minimum required to run.

Classes will be canceled by January 5th if minimums are not met. Make sure to apply immediately (or email me back to let me know you’re interested and need some time). Please note that this minimum will be strict and we will not run any classes that don’t meet the minimum.

Please review the following information for Winter Enrichment: