Dragon Tales: Dine Out (TOMORROW!) at Southpaw, 5/3

[This post is a copy of the Dragon Tales newsletter sent 5/2. Sign up on this page to receive Dragon Tales in email.]

Hello, sunshine!

It’s hard to believe there are less than eight weeks left of school! But we’ve still got a lot of stuff coming up.

As always, for the latest updates, follow us on Facebook and at www.lowellelementary.org. If you ever have school-related news or events to share, email lowellparents@gmail.com.

This Thursday (TOMORROW!): Dine Out at Southpaw for Lowell

We’re very excited to get Lowell love this Thursday from Southpaw, the cozy pizza place near Seattle U created by chef (and James Beard award winner!) John Sundstrom.

Enjoy some delicious wood-fired pizza and soft-serve ice cream on Thursday, and a portion of the proceeds will go to Lowell! Southpaw is right on 12th Avenue, between Spring and Marion (926 12th Ave).

As one reviewer says: “It’s the very first pizza I’ve had in Seattle that comes even close to the pizza I grew up with in NJ.  Wow!  I’m blown away.”

Appreciate your teachers (always, but especially) next week!

Our teachers are the heroes of our school. They give so much, all the time, to make sure that our kids have what they need. So we want to thank them!

If you’re looking for ideas, here are some traditional ones and some not-so-traditional ones. (A nice note from your kiddo, or you, is always great.)

PTA General Meeting, May 16

What advocacy has the PTA done for Lowell this year? How much money have we raised? How much have we given out in teacher grants and other improvements around the school? How can I get involved?

These and other questions will be answered at our next General Meeting!

We will talk about school climate, fundraising, and upcoming events, like the Move-a-thon and Field Day. You can also learn more about the open board positions for next year—Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Secretary, Communications—as well as other ways to get involved.

Wednesday, May 16, 6–7:30 pm, in the Lowell Elementary library. Food and childcare provided.

Volunteer for Move-a-thon, Friday, June 8

If you want to get involved with the Move-a-thon, we have many opportunities—big and small—to help out, like counting laps, helping with food, and processing forms. (Field Day on 6/15 could also use your help!)

If you want to get involved, email lowellvolunteering@gmail.com.

Encourage friends and family to shop at the Westlake Whole Foods for Lowell donations!

At the register, Whole Foods Market Westlake customers who bring their own bag have the option to donate their 10 cent per bag credit to Lowell Elementary (or another “Bag Donation partner”) through June 30, 2018.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • Dine-Out for Lowell at Southpaw, 5/3
  • Teacher appreciation week, 5/7–5/11
  • PTA general meeting, 5/16
  • Move-a-thon, 6/8
  • PTA general meeting, 6/12
  • Field Day, 6/15